dimanche 1 février 2009


Ouah Oh! Three message tonight! Incredible! 
Honnestly I iz sehr sorrrry my frrrriends, I am so busy these last time I do not any time to blog!
It is  2009, it takes me one month to realize it but now it is done!
And with this new year a lot of great changement(recession, Obama, etc. but everyone knows that), but for me, the big changement is that the last two years are now behind me and now I can MOVE ON.
Explanation : I work for two years to save money in order to pay me the school of my dreams. I have made a portfolio which one has been let in London the 29th January. And even if I won't have an answer before March, it is behind me.

Ouah Oh! Happy New Year to everyone reading!

PS: I have read recently The Confederency of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole and you should read it.

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